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                                  Let's be the change we want to see in the world.
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Eco Samurai is a small environmental NPO based in Sapporo, Japan. Unfortunately, the ever increasing news regarding climate change is depressing and at times causes us to feel helpless. But we are not helpless. We have a voice and must make time to learn about climate change and do what we can do on a daily basis to slow climate change. We believe it is important that everyone becomes active in protecting this beautiful home we call earth. It is not only the politicians' responsibility to enact policies and laws which slow climate change, but each person's responsibility to create rules/policies/habits that they can follow to feel less helpless about their future. Climate health is mental health. Your future self thanks you for doing more to protect our beautiful planet. Together we are happier and more effective. Please join us soon!

Ethan Wearn - Director, Eco Samurai


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© 2023 Eco Samurai ​
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